Thursday, December 2, 2010

Introducing: Reverb 10

I am clearly all in to series of things lately.  A reading list, workout plans, etc etc.  So it made sense to take on another, no?

In my epic quest to just keep up with all that is going on in the wide world of social networking, I noticed an interesting little trend/hash-tag: #reverb10.  Usually I don't have ANY idea what hash-tags refer to, and this of course was no exception.  But for some reason, I started clicking on the shortened links that peppered my Twitter list (perhaps this is referred to as a Twist?).  And there was some super insightful writing going on out there, all sharing a common, high-trending hash-tag.

What is a semi-savvy social networker to do when she just cannot verify the source of a trend?  Google it.  And I came upon Reverb 10's website, which explains the project as this:
Reverb 10 is an annual event and online initiative to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next. Use the end of your year as an opportunity to reflect on what's happened, and to send out reverberations for the year ahead. With Reverb 10 - and the 31 prompts our authors have created for you - you'll have support on your journey.
A little more digging leads one to discover that this is a daily writing project for the month of December which gives the writer, and their readers (lucky ducks!) a chance to reflect on the year that is quickly closing and get all psyched up for the year that's coming (because it is on it's way whether we like it or not).

Frankly, this sounds awesome to me for a whole bundle of reasons:

  • I am a reflector.  Not the shiny "hey car, see me because I am running in the dark" kind.  A guess a better word might be storyteller.  Because telling stories about what I have done and what I am doing now allows me to reflect on my choices and the events I have been involved in and how those have absolutely instilled in me a desire to change by improving on decisions, making some decisions again and again and again, and remember some decisions simply because they should not be repeated in this lifetime.  Or the next.  Or the one after that either.  
  • Believe it or not, blogging is hard.  I know I make it look pretty easy, if I do say so myself, but it's more than sitting down to your computer and bitching about all the injustices in your life (although, that's about 50% of the battle right there).  And its difficulty and complexity are intensified by the fact that you may know who some of your readers are, but certainly not all.  And further, you don't know which posts they've liked, which they've hated, do they like pictures, are links their thing?  No one shares this.  And it appears from my statistics that I have 7 RSS subscribers (thanks!) and approximately 30 site visitors a week (you should subscribe!).  But I know who very few of you are.  Long bullet short, a month of writing prompts means that, theoretically, I can't pick the wrong topic and you can't be disappointed.  We are driven by a higher power (i.e. the Reverb 10 prompts) this month.  
So, currently there have been two prompts posted.  I am going to try and play catch up now, especially because I have a busy weekend coming up and don't know if I will have much of a chance then and if I waited that long, I could end up 5 days behind instead of just 2.  Which would satisfy my procrastinating soul but would not really stay true to the mission of Reverb 10, which is a daily reflection to find calm about your year.  

I encourage everyone to think about these prompts, and even if you don't choose to publish them for the whole internet to stumble upon, write them in a journal, on a napkin, or find "an app for that." 

Okay, let's get on with the show.  

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