Tuesday, August 11, 2009

365 Snapshots of My Life

Well, this could be horribly boring or SUPER interesting and fun. Or it could totally flop when I get busy this fall. I guess we'll see!

Lovely young woman I went to college with, Amelia, just got herself a Nikon camera not too long ago and has embarked on a Project 365 in which you take a photo and post it each day. Now, realistically I may not be able to post each day, but will certainly do my best to take a photo each day and batch post if I must. There are few rules, and seeing as it is the poster's own art and photos anyway, there really shouldn't be any rules. Other than 1 picture per day.

So Kim (modern, but not always so mugwumpish older sibling for those just joining after 23 years of our sisterhood) and I decided after attending the Uptown Art Fair that we would do this, and that it would be best to do it at the same time, as we could hold each other accountable. Very cool. She was better than I, and actually posted her first photo on day 1. Yeah, I didn't-- so far the score is: Large Artistic Projects-1, Katie-0. Luckily, I feel I can recover.

So here it goes. . .

Day 1: Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Morning Without Coffee is Like Sleep
August 9, 2009

Bought these loves at the Uptown Art Fair for only $10 a piece-- a steal!! Love them, and look forward to lazy Sunday mornings or crazy pre-exam nights with them.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the project 365! I am excited that more of my friend have started doing this...it helps me keep on my toes! Great pictures thus far btw!
