Day 45: September 22, 2009
The Red Cross. I. Love. It. Love love love. Even Monday, I did "intern" things like sort papers into little piles, which I have a sinking suspicion is going to eventually lead to some data entry. And guess what? I would data enter ALL day for the Red Cross if they let me. I get to wear nice clothes, be with interesting, dynamic people who are all passionate about this awesome organization. I am a small cog in an international machine of good deeds and I am determined for my cog to get noticed for positive things and turn the cogs around me just a little bit better.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Day 41: Friday, September 18, 2009

"Your Blue Teeth, Tongue and Lips Really Bring Out the Blue in Your Eyes"
September 18, 2009
"Your Blue Teeth, Tongue and Lips Really Bring Out the Blue in Your Eyes"
September 18, 2009
G2, Gatorade's low-cal energy drink in delicious blueberry pomegranate would be excellent, if you didn't have to drink it in the confines of your own home with no prospects of seeing anyone. I felt a little "You're turning violet, Violet" while I consumed one.
Day 38: Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Where the Magic Happens
September 15, 2009

September 15, 2009
Ever watch MTV Cribs or those shows where they tour a celebrity home, and they always go into the bedroom, pan to the bed and say "This is where the magic happens!"?
Yeah, well, I gots intellectual magic (somedays) and this is where it happens. Because the only thing that happens in my bed is laundry and sleep.
Yeah, well, I gots intellectual magic (somedays) and this is where it happens. Because the only thing that happens in my bed is laundry and sleep.
Day 37/365: Monday, September 14, 2009
Using a photo from wedding weekend, as I was editing them for several days. . . no more taking 1200+ photos at one event. Uff da.
Using a photo from wedding weekend, as I was editing them for several days. . . no more taking 1200+ photos at one event. Uff da.
35/365 and 36/365
Days 35 and 36: Saturday, September 12 and Sunday September 13
Velez Wedding
September 13, 2009

September 13, 2009
Hired as a wedding photographer for the weekend for my roommate's little sister. Beautiful location, beautiful weather, beautiful (and laid back) people made it a success for my first gig. I probably won't make a career out of it (I wasn't that good) but it was definitely enjoyable!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ugh, Guys. . . Seriously Sorry
Dudes, you are on my to-do list. I promise to update photos and stories so soon. I really do. For sure on the weekend. Which I know is a long way (trust me, I know). But I want to do it sooner, so I will try.
On the plus side, the mood of the last week has been one of "At face value, it may seem as if there are too few hours in my week, too many calories in my meals, too many items on the to-do list, and too few priorities set. But it's actually quite perfect."
I know, this is going to be a hectic semester. I am prepping myself with positive attitude. I allow myself one meltdown per semester-- I am hoping to save this one for right around December 13*.
* There is no reason for the selection of this date, but it is sort of that halfway between the holidays, winter sucks already, school never ends period where EVERY assignment is due at the same time and none of the holiday shopping is done, you spill hot cocoa on your white shirt every day, and you can't seem to stop eating. I hate this period of the year (for only the listed reasons-- love the holiday stuffs) and I want to celebrate my hatred with one mega temper tantrum and a bottle (or two) of 3 Buck Chuck.
Good night loves, I have not forgotten you.
On the plus side, the mood of the last week has been one of "At face value, it may seem as if there are too few hours in my week, too many calories in my meals, too many items on the to-do list, and too few priorities set. But it's actually quite perfect."
I know, this is going to be a hectic semester. I am prepping myself with positive attitude. I allow myself one meltdown per semester-- I am hoping to save this one for right around December 13*.
* There is no reason for the selection of this date, but it is sort of that halfway between the holidays, winter sucks already, school never ends period where EVERY assignment is due at the same time and none of the holiday shopping is done, you spill hot cocoa on your white shirt every day, and you can't seem to stop eating. I hate this period of the year (for only the listed reasons-- love the holiday stuffs) and I want to celebrate my hatred with one mega temper tantrum and a bottle (or two) of 3 Buck Chuck.
Good night loves, I have not forgotten you.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Day 33: Thursday, September 10, 2009

Check and Check
September 10, 2009
Not that I claim that most of my photos of the day are good, but I realize this one is of especially lame photography quality. In this instance, it's the subject matter that counts. Do you see all the things crossed off that list?! Do you see that?! Okay, so some things ended up on the list more than one day, but they got done. That never happens! I never get things done. Conclusion: God, I am awesome.
Hopefully this trend continues all semester. We shall see. . .

Check and Check
September 10, 2009
Not that I claim that most of my photos of the day are good, but I realize this one is of especially lame photography quality. In this instance, it's the subject matter that counts. Do you see all the things crossed off that list?! Do you see that?! Okay, so some things ended up on the list more than one day, but they got done. That never happens! I never get things done. Conclusion: God, I am awesome.
Hopefully this trend continues all semester. We shall see. . .
Day 32: Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Here's today's words:
Longest. Day. Ever.
A thousand. . . three. . . what's the difference? However, a day that starts at 4:40 am and results in my strolling through the door around 8:58 pm does not get a picture. Sorry.
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Here's today's words:
Longest. Day. Ever.
A thousand. . . three. . . what's the difference? However, a day that starts at 4:40 am and results in my strolling through the door around 8:58 pm does not get a picture. Sorry.
Day 31: Tuesday, September 8, 2009*

*This day lives in infamy as my last first day of school. At least full time school, because at some point the government is going to want their money back and my parent's health insurance is going to drop my like a hot, diseased potato.

Truth in Advertising
September 8, 2009
September 8, 2009
*This day lives in infamy as my last first day of school. At least full time school, because at some point the government is going to want their money back and my parent's health insurance is going to drop my like a hot, diseased potato.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Day 30: Monday, September 7, 2009
Those Toes
September 7, 2009

September 7, 2009
Sorry feet, you probably aren't going to get to relax like that for a while. But thanks for hauling me all over this summer, and for holding up through a triathlon and a mega-relay. And for circling the lakes a thousand times, and for squeezing into many a heels for weddings and happy hours. You deserved the pillow today-- kudos!
Um, Day 29 brought to you by a dead camera battery. . . and an uncharged backup 25 miles from my Sunday location.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Day 28: Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mighty Midway
September 5, 2009

Mighty Midway
September 5, 2009
Had an excellent time at the fair with Dad on Saturday. Activities included (and were pretty much limited to): eating, people watching, photo taking (until my battery died-- not well prepared), and walking. A lesser known "on a stick" treat, the Scottish egg, was excellent. The tub of Sweet Martha's Chocolate Chip cookies on the counter is also excellent, although getting emptier and emptier by the hour. . .
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I Know I Said I Wouldn't
But I did.
I Googled medical symptoms-- again.
Search: what causes eye twitch
It's okay, I don't have the plague, or even H1N1. I do, however, have an inoperable brain tumor hidden somewhere in the depths of my brain that is only going to lead to more facial ticks until facial paralysis set in (read: drool monster) and eventual death (probably from drowning).
In reality, these are the possible causes:
1. Caffeine. I tested this theory-- it's not it. I cut caffeine, I increased it, I limited it, I weaned on and off. Still twitching.
2. Fatigue. It's summer break. Sleep is my #2 most frequent activity. Still twitching.
3. Irritation of the eye surface or inner lid. No, only irritation of the patient. Still twitching.
4. Physical exertion. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha ahhaha ha ha, whoo, that's a good one. Read #2. Still twitching.
5. Smoking. Ick dude! Still twitching.
6. Stress. No more than normal (read #2 and #4). Still twitching.
So, that's the normal stuff. If it's not one of those, the Interwebs brings on some more:
7. Blepharitis (sounds like a bathtub fart). It is actually an oil gland dysfunction at the rims of the eyelids. However, in addition to twitching it causes swelling and pain and eye pus. Nope. Still twitching.
8. Dry eyes. Not really an issue. Still twitching.
9. Pink eye. I. Do. Not. Think. So. Pink eye is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced and I am FULLY aware of what that is like. This is not it, as my eyelids have not glued themselves shut from the stickiness of their own eye-juices*.
Here's the goodies:
Very rarely, an eye twitch may be the result of a more serious brain and/or nerve disorder.
You don't say?! Like what?
10. Bell's Palsy. More likely to result in half your face going suddenly Droopy Dogg for 3-6 months, and then righting itself. Still twitching.
11. Parkinson's. But probably not. Still twitching.
12. Dystonia. A disruptive contracting of muscles. Ding ding ding ding! There isn't much more disruptive than your eyelid going all 250 beats-per-minute. Affects less than 1% of the population, usually women. Going to get worse, although stay in the face (awesome, maybe no one will notice my singular face moving in 23 different directions).
13. Tourette's Syndrome. My swearing is purely behavioral. Still twitching.
14. Side effect of drugs, particularly those to treat psychosis. Treat psychosis?! I am about a wink, blink, and nod from saying a consistent eye twitch may bring on psychosis. Still twitching.
15. Tumors. All over. Everywhere, tumors. Putting pressure on muscular nerves or affecting dopamine levels. Certain death.
In other news, I joined Hypochondriac's Anonymous today, in which we all just sit around and say "There's no way you have that, because that's exactly what I have! And it is going to kill me!"
*Sorry, eye illness can get gross. I should have warned you at the beginning. But I chose to warn you at the end, once you've read at least half the post. Ha ha, sucker.
I Googled medical symptoms-- again.
Search: what causes eye twitch
It's okay, I don't have the plague, or even H1N1. I do, however, have an inoperable brain tumor hidden somewhere in the depths of my brain that is only going to lead to more facial ticks until facial paralysis set in (read: drool monster) and eventual death (probably from drowning).
In reality, these are the possible causes:
1. Caffeine. I tested this theory-- it's not it. I cut caffeine, I increased it, I limited it, I weaned on and off. Still twitching.
2. Fatigue. It's summer break. Sleep is my #2 most frequent activity. Still twitching.
3. Irritation of the eye surface or inner lid. No, only irritation of the patient. Still twitching.
4. Physical exertion. Aaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha ahhaha ha ha, whoo, that's a good one. Read #2. Still twitching.
5. Smoking. Ick dude! Still twitching.
6. Stress. No more than normal (read #2 and #4). Still twitching.
So, that's the normal stuff. If it's not one of those, the Interwebs brings on some more:
7. Blepharitis (sounds like a bathtub fart). It is actually an oil gland dysfunction at the rims of the eyelids. However, in addition to twitching it causes swelling and pain and eye pus. Nope. Still twitching.
8. Dry eyes. Not really an issue. Still twitching.
9. Pink eye. I. Do. Not. Think. So. Pink eye is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced and I am FULLY aware of what that is like. This is not it, as my eyelids have not glued themselves shut from the stickiness of their own eye-juices*.
Here's the goodies:
Very rarely, an eye twitch may be the result of a more serious brain and/or nerve disorder.
You don't say?! Like what?
10. Bell's Palsy. More likely to result in half your face going suddenly Droopy Dogg for 3-6 months, and then righting itself. Still twitching.
11. Parkinson's. But probably not. Still twitching.
12. Dystonia. A disruptive contracting of muscles. Ding ding ding ding! There isn't much more disruptive than your eyelid going all 250 beats-per-minute. Affects less than 1% of the population, usually women. Going to get worse, although stay in the face (awesome, maybe no one will notice my singular face moving in 23 different directions).
13. Tourette's Syndrome. My swearing is purely behavioral. Still twitching.
14. Side effect of drugs, particularly those to treat psychosis. Treat psychosis?! I am about a wink, blink, and nod from saying a consistent eye twitch may bring on psychosis. Still twitching.
15. Tumors. All over. Everywhere, tumors. Putting pressure on muscular nerves or affecting dopamine levels. Certain death.
In other news, I joined Hypochondriac's Anonymous today, in which we all just sit around and say "There's no way you have that, because that's exactly what I have! And it is going to kill me!"
*Sorry, eye illness can get gross. I should have warned you at the beginning. But I chose to warn you at the end, once you've read at least half the post. Ha ha, sucker.
Day 26: Thursday, September 3, 2009
I peruse the web for other Project 365 sites, and was reminded on one of them that you have to take some pictures of yourself sometime, because just as exciting as seeing everything you've done in a year is seeing how you have changed in a year.
I peruse the web for other Project 365 sites, and was reminded on one of them that you have to take some pictures of yourself sometime, because just as exciting as seeing everything you've done in a year is seeing how you have changed in a year.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Day 24: Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Wish This Were Staged
September 1, 2009

I Wish This Were Staged
September 1, 2009
"Uh, yeah, customer disservice? Hi. I do indeed need to report a problem. It seems the, uh, self-cleaning function on my bedroom isn't working."
It's funny how you live in a messy space and it doesn't bother you for a while and then all of a sudden, you get home and realize that your Chaco is on your pillow, you do not know what clothing is clean and what is dirty, the drawers (which you haven't dug through for days) are all askew. And then it hits you-- this has to change.
It's funny how you live in a messy space and it doesn't bother you for a while and then all of a sudden, you get home and realize that your Chaco is on your pillow, you do not know what clothing is clean and what is dirty, the drawers (which you haven't dug through for days) are all askew. And then it hits you-- this has to change.
It's Under There
I hope you said "Underwear."
So, I don't usually post in such rapid back-to-back succession, right? Right. Unless it's photos. And this is not.
I was just doing a quick "View in Blog" glance of my last post, which you should still scroll down and read, because it's new. And I thought, Wow Katie. Very insightful for late in the night. This was a fairly deep post. Kudos.
Well, as you saw from the last post, I recently discovered the bottom of my favorite large green mug by drinking its entire contents of tea, and rather quickly. One thing led to another, and, well. . . we all know how biology works, I'll spare the details. . .
In the bathroom I realized I have had my underwear on backwards all day. All day. Many thoughts ran through my head:
Wow, the let me drive and vote, but never verified I could dress myself.
I bet all great thinkers had difficulty with undies.
At least no one could tell.
But my favorite had to be:
I should put these back on the right way. (Thinks about it) Nah, they've been like this all day, it's almost time to go to bed. I'll ride September in with backwards panties. Not everyone can say that.
And then I literally laughed so hard I did that thing where your face is laughing and your whole body is wiggling and jiggling but you can no longer produce the sound to laugh so you just release these short puffs of "funny air." I seriously got a kick out of myself.
So, I don't usually post in such rapid back-to-back succession, right? Right. Unless it's photos. And this is not.
I was just doing a quick "View in Blog" glance of my last post, which you should still scroll down and read, because it's new. And I thought, Wow Katie. Very insightful for late in the night. This was a fairly deep post. Kudos.
Well, as you saw from the last post, I recently discovered the bottom of my favorite large green mug by drinking its entire contents of tea, and rather quickly. One thing led to another, and, well. . . we all know how biology works, I'll spare the details. . .
In the bathroom I realized I have had my underwear on backwards all day. All day. Many thoughts ran through my head:
Wow, the let me drive and vote, but never verified I could dress myself.
I bet all great thinkers had difficulty with undies.
At least no one could tell.
But my favorite had to be:
I should put these back on the right way. (Thinks about it) Nah, they've been like this all day, it's almost time to go to bed. I'll ride September in with backwards panties. Not everyone can say that.
And then I literally laughed so hard I did that thing where your face is laughing and your whole body is wiggling and jiggling but you can no longer produce the sound to laugh so you just release these short puffs of "funny air." I seriously got a kick out of myself.
I have some beautifully insightful friends, who help me discover myself truly. It is through conversations with these young people that I have realized, and later accepted, that I am an individual of contradictions who lives at the polars, at the extreme of almost everything. I am either abrasively outgoing and chatty or blending in to wallpaper. I am brutally over-confident or painfully insecure.
You are probably wondering what this has to do with a photo of the day, as this is a numbered entry. Patience, Padawan.

Steep Thoughts
August 31, 2009
**Uh, yeah, I did actually talk to it. Don't be surprised, you know you're not. Look at all the ridiculous things I do.
EDIT: I am beyond peeved that I decided to write a novel and so this got date-stamped for tomorrow, which is now today. But I took this photo AND wrote the entry today, which is now yesterday. The measurement of time passing can be such a bitch in so many ways. Bollocks (and pardon my french).
You are probably wondering what this has to do with a photo of the day, as this is a numbered entry. Patience, Padawan.

Steep Thoughts
August 31, 2009
Punchline: As someone who typically thrives in socializing, the only unforced* conversation I had today was with this delicious cup of mango tea after work tonight**. It was a beautiful day of silence.
*I did have to work, and it is ultra-rude to ignore co-workers and customers. "Forced" may not be the right word-- it did not pain me to talk to these people. In fact, we had some nice chats. Further, I also enjoyed a quick chat on the phone with my sister from Chicago, in which I reminded her that she is perfect. Regardless of her surroundings, belongings, social environment, or geographical location-- perfect. In my ideal world, she would read this quickly in the morning, in case she has already forgotten.
*I did have to work, and it is ultra-rude to ignore co-workers and customers. "Forced" may not be the right word-- it did not pain me to talk to these people. In fact, we had some nice chats. Further, I also enjoyed a quick chat on the phone with my sister from Chicago, in which I reminded her that she is perfect. Regardless of her surroundings, belongings, social environment, or geographical location-- perfect. In my ideal world, she would read this quickly in the morning, in case she has already forgotten.
**Uh, yeah, I did actually talk to it. Don't be surprised, you know you're not. Look at all the ridiculous things I do.
EDIT: I am beyond peeved that I decided to write a novel and so this got date-stamped for tomorrow, which is now today. But I took this photo AND wrote the entry today, which is now yesterday. The measurement of time passing can be such a bitch in so many ways. Bollocks (and pardon my french).
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