With having never truly lived on my own, I have never had all the things one needs to completely fill an apartment. The time I did live alone in college was in a campus apartment, which was pretty much all set up with the things one would need to survive. in 2008 entered Best Roommate Ever who owns (and uses beautifully) every kitchen gadget known to man, has furniture and decorations, rugs and plates, silverware and vintage records. All I ever had to do was show up and we were ready.
Now that I am approximately 45 days from Step 1 to independent, mature adulthood, I realize there are things I really need for an apartment. But for every 1 item I add to the list of things needed, I put about 2 to 4 items on the list of things wanted. It goes like this:
Kitchen Need: Microwave.

Kitchen Want(s): Ninja Bread Men cookie cutters, fruit infusing pitcher, life vest for my wine.

Living Room Need: A Rug.

Living Room Want(s): Green head planter, metal owl, bird bookends.

The list of needs goes on: toaster, broom, garbage can, bed skirt, etc etc etc. So you can only imagine what the list of wants looks like...
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