Thursday, April 28, 2011

One (or One Hundred) Day(s) At a Time

I love the feeling I get when I am anticipating something.  At first I hated admitting that because, reading between the lines I thought it really said "I am always waiting for something better."  But I don't think that's true.  I genuinely enjoy the little shiver of excitement that runs up my spine and makes my shoulders quiver and hearing my voice get an octave higher and my speech adopt a hurried cadence when I talk about all the things I am looking forward to. 

There is no better way to build anticipation than a solid, reliable countdown.  Lately, there has been so much going on, I have had several things to be excited about at once (this is lovely).  I was struggling, however, with knowing how excited I could/should be in general and, in turn, how excited I could/should be about a single event.  So I invented the Master Countdown! It. Is. Awesome.*

2 days until I join Mom on her very first 5K run (which will go fabulous, so stop worrying, Mom)

2 days until Minneapolis Outdoor Farmers Markets open (and I think St. Paul too!) I love farmers markets.  I love the fresh produce, I can't wait to buy big beautiful boquets of flowers for 5 dollars, I long for a delicious cup of coffee and a full bag of potatoes with bits of the earth still clinging to their rounded edges. 

3 days to getting keys to independence my new apartment.

9 days until I move into my new place (and then get to go on a Surly Brewery Tour!)

15 days until the only dentist I will ever like gets her degree.  It has been fun to be a friend and roommate to her while she has worked so diligently at a dream she first had when she was no more than 8 years old.

17 days until my longest time friend finishes her law degree.  This will (hopefully) be a sweet sweet finish to a very arduous but well-fought journey for this girl.  She deserves to be so very proud of herself.

19 days until the Twin Cities American Red Cross Heroes Award.  I love almost everything about the Red Cross: blood donation, disaster relief, lifesaving skills education.  All of it.  Also, getting to work there for 6 months was incredible.  So, anytime I can support them, I will.  All the sweeter that last year my very own dad won the Community Hero award.

22 days until this guy that I am kind of dating head over heels for finishes his law degree. Thankfully this will not be the end of discussions on the CISG.**  Phew!

29 days until I make a willing trip to visit the state of Iowa?! I know...

39 days until my 3rd running of the Buffalo Triathlon.  Year 1 I was panicked/frightened.  Year 2 I was unprepared and overwhelmed in life in general.  Year 3? So ready, baby.

59 days until Mom, Kim, and I see Guys and Dolls at the Ordway for Mother's Day/Kim's birthday.  PS: I think the seats we got are awesome.  And thus the daughter/kid sister that picked them is probably also awesome... just sayin'.

88 days until I officially hit the quarter-century mark.  So far, my 25th year has been challenging/beautiful/busy/expensive.

94 days until a great college friend's wedding to a beautiful young woman.  What I can't figure out is why, if he lives in Medford, Oregon, he is getting married in Dickinson, North Dakota.  It makes no sense to me.

157 days until I die trying to run a marathon.  I am running (?) the 30th annual Twin Cities Marathon.  You should come cheer me on.  I would plan on cheering someplace between the Start and Mile 10... I don't know if I will make it any further than that.

*And of course, it is outdated by tomorrow. 
**Convention of International Sale of Goods.  Or maybe the Convention on the Contracts of International Sale of Goods? Well, no... that would be the CCISG or the hipper C2ISG (or even 2CISG).

1 comment:

  1. *** (clears throat pretentiously and annoyingly) Actually, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980)
