Saturday, February 12, 2011

Reverb 11: February

One month in to 2011, what question(s) are you living?  Are there any prompts from Reverb10 that are still resonating in you life? Are you living new questions?

I took some much needed time this morning to read my Reverb10 posts-- I needed some time to refocus and recenter myself and I think, even though I didn't recognize it at the time, I needed to read those posts too.  The Reverb prompts are so great at challenging me to look at the good and the bad in myself, my experiences, my year and put it all in words.  Own my accomplishments, and failures too.

From all 31 posts in December, I discovered the following themes are still resonating with me and inspiring some of the things I am doing in 2011:

1. Continue to GROW even when it is painful.
2. I learn more about myself and my limits (or lack of) with every mile I RUN.
4. CREATE whenever possible.  Create LAUGHTER always.
5.  Be CONFIDENT in my beauty, inside and out.
6.  CELEBRATE the little things, the lucky things, and the things that happen by chance.
7. In 24 years I have cultivated some of the most amazing RELATIONSHIPS.  Hang tight to those.
8. It's not always easy, but there's NO GIVING UP.  
9. The simplest JOYS are in front of me all the time.  There is no need to search.
10. CHANGE is inevitable.  I can resist it or I can look forward to the way it refreshes my life and the way I experience it.  One of these options is far more rewarding than the other.

For me it is easy to embrace and live 2, 4, and 6.  1, 9, and 10 come fairly naturally.  The beauty of 7 is that when I slip from it a bit, the others in those relationships pick me up.  That's how those relationships became amazing.  3, 5, and 8 require a little more practice, a few more reminders, but they too can be accomplished.  Overall, a very manageable and inspiring theme list.

Life is good.

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